It's no secret that my favorite show is NBC's Chuck. I even dressed my son as Chuck (or Greta, depending on who you ask) for Halloween last year. So it should come as no surprise,then, that I'm promoting the show, nor that I'm hoping for (at least) one more season. With that, have a look at the following site by clicking the banner, or by going here:
I failed miserably to kick my spoiler habit, so I might as well also give credit to my favorite (and most accurate - thanks) source: Chuckgasmic
While you're at it, why not tune in tonight at 8e/7c on NBC for a new episode? I promise it will be awesome! Missed an episode? Head over to and watch the last few. You won't regret it!
Baby girl, you should have been with me by now, cuddled on my chest, in your Daddy's strong arms, or on your big brother lap, with his tender lips pressed atop your little head. The very cells in my body still ache from your loss. A tender breast...a phantom kick....some days, even after all this time, I would swear I was still pregnant.
For those of you who don't know, St. Paul, MN has a youth circus, holding classes for ages 2-22ish. Their facility is top notch, the coaches are great, but the best part is they have a toddler program. This winter, thanks to Grandpa Tom, Aidan gets to be a part of it.
I really didn't know what to expect. Actually, I assumed they'd mostly be doing tumbling. I was SO wrong. They do everything! Aidan is half way through the program, and he has already experienced: lyras (aka hoops), silks, swinging trapeze, German Wheel (Aidan's special favorite), balance beam, tumbling, juggling, tumble track, and trampoline. Being that it's a toddler class, I pretty much stay with Aidan the whole time. Not all of the parents do, but Aidan wants me there, so I oblige. Bless him, he always wants me to take a turn, and he has no idea how much I really want to! I miss circus even more than I miss dancing and horseback riding. Fortunately, they have a class or two for adults...which I might just have to enroll in next time we have some extra cash.
So, wondering whether Aidan enjoys himself? Take a look, and decide for yourself:
Aidan on the tumble track 1/7/2011
Aidan on the trampoline 1/14/2011
Anyways, I really need to borrow Kathy's video camera to get some better clips, but in the meantime, enjoy these two, taken by my phone. It's just too much fun not to share. Thank you Circus Juventas for making our winter so much fun!
I can't believe I forgot to post these! I take pictures of the grandkids throughout the year to make sure Kathy & Tom are well supplied with pictures of their favorite tiny people. This was the first time, though, that I had THREE subjects.
It makes me sad, though, to know that there should have been four. My due date is fast approaching and I am just dreading it.
Thoughts from a Jersey girl living in suburban Wisconsin with a husband, four cats, and one very active little boy. Grieving the loss of two babies not meant for this earth.