06 May 2011

We're #NotANielsenFamily too!

My household is #NotANielsenFamily but we still love #Chuck! Watch this video, help spread the word, and lets have us a Season 5.

This campaign aims to show NBC that even though we're not counted in the ratings, we still care about the show, and still watch live. So far several advertisers (including Hyundai, Super Shuttle, and Diet Pepsi) have responded positively to our #NotANielsenFamily twitter campaign. The nice folks at Super Shuttle (http://www.supershuttle.com/) are even giving us fans a 10% discount through July 31st (discount code CHUCK). Isn't that nice? As Aidan would say, I THINK SO!

So I am trying to do my part, whenever I can...

with the help of friends...

(thanks Jon & Emily)

and family...

(thanks Chad). **

How about you???

** Please excuse Chad's weather-identity crisis - people do strange things in Wisconsin when winter refuses to let go it's grip once it's time for Spring. I'll leave you with a photo of my front yard, taken on April 16, 2011.

Yes, that white stuff is, in fact, snow. It's gone now, but snow in April is just plain wrong. But I digress.

Go Chuck!

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