29 December 2010


"'What do you fear, lady?' he asked.
'A cage,' she said. 'To stay behind bars,
until use and old age accept them,
and all chance of doing great deeds
is gone beyond recall or desire.'"
--Aragorn & Éowyn, Tolkien

22 December 2010

Wordless Wednesdays

Gotta love Walmart

My MIL and I took Aidan shopping today for some last minute holiday items today. She was driving Aidan around in one of those giant carts, while I stood nearby, when an older gentleman asked whether Aidan was my baby brother or my son. When I told him Aidan is my son, he told me I didn't look old enough to be a mother.

He then guessed my age.

At 17.

Never mind the ring on my finger, or the two tiny white hairs I refuse to pull but take great pains to hide under my (increasingly frizzy) mop of brown hair. Never mind that I'm 27.5 years young.

Bless him, this dude truly thought I was still a teenager!

I can definitely handle walking through life perpetually looking 10 years younger.

15 December 2010

Clara Jean - first photos

Cara Jean meets big brother Alan, cousin Aidan, Grandma, and Grandpa (and Auntie Mel is taking the pictures, of course)!

These last two bring about strong emotions for me. I debated keeping them to myself, but here they are. I should be 36 weeks along this week. Soon, Aidan was supposed to have his own baby sister to hug and kiss. Not a day goes by that I don't think about the babies I lost, but most especially my last little angel because of how and why she died. But at least now he has a baby cousin to love on, and I am grateful of the lengths to which my in-laws have gone to include him - to give him a little bit of what I could not.

Love you, sweet boy.

13 December 2010

Clara Jean is here!

My new niece:

7lb 3oz, 20in long, born at 8:14pm, 9 days overdue! Everyone is doing well! More pictures tomorrow when I get to meet her :).

02 December 2010

Fasting labs

Triglycerides: 50
HDL: 60
LDL: 70
Blood sugar: 84

My husband is SO jealous!

And in an unrelated note, my sister-in-law is still pregnant. Apparently her little girl feels it necessary to be fashionably late. I'm glad I didn't bet money on the date of her arrival (I was predicting before Thanksgiving)!